Medical Pedicures: Why You Should Replace Your Salon Pedicure With A Medi Pedi
Having your nails and the skin on your feet taken care of feels great. What feels even better is walking away feeling confident that your foot care has performed safely,…
Preventing Falls With Podiatry
Having a fall, whether it’s in our own home or when we’re out and about, can change our lives entirely. The injury we sustain from a fall can affect our…
Treating Foot Drop With A Brace
Foot drop is the term given when weakness in one or both feet makes you unable to point your toes up towards the sky, otherwise known as dorsiflexing the foot.…
Are Men Or Women More Likely To Injure Their Feet & Legs?
We have the privilege of treating foot and leg injuries day in and day out. It’s very easy to pick up on patterns – like the shoes you wear into…
Busting The Top 3 Orthotic Myths!
For those that haven’t had orthotics before or vaguely remember them from earlier years, a lot of questions or misconceptions may exist. Orthotics are far from the big, bulky devices…
How Orthotics Help Arthritic Joint Pain
Osteoarthritis (OA) is painful, frustrating and limiting for many New Zealanders. OA affects almost 50% of those aged over 60 years, and almost all over 80 years old. This makes…
Orthotics for Children: The Gait Plate for In-toeing
The position of your children’s feet will determine will either keep them free to run and play, or can have them tripping, falling and in pain. A common foot position…
Stretching For Recovery – Is What You’re Being Told TRUE or FALSE?
Here at Perform Podiatry, we treat a lot of foot and leg pain. It’s our speciality! And while orthotics are a very important component of the treatment plan, there are…
What Can A Podiatrist At Perform Podiatry Help You With?
Do we trim toenails? Do we correct your foot posture using orthotics? Do we remove your corns? Do we help correct bunions? The answer is a big yes to all…
Caring For Your Ingrown Toenails After Nail Surgery
If you’ve recently had an ingrown toenail surgery and are wondering how to optimise your recovery, here are some quick tips that we let our patients know about after their…