Are Heel Pain & Back Pain Related?
The heels and our back seem miles apart, so could there be a relationship between the two? According to studies, there is, with up to 75% of people with ongoing…
Get Your Feet Ski Ready: Pre-Ski Skin & Nail Care
With a great deal of uncertainty about where we can and can’t travel this winter, there’s one place that many families are excited about heading to – their snow trip!…
I Think My Toe Is Broken. What Should I Do?
Excruciating pain in one of your toes? Wondering whether you’ve broken it – and if you have – whether you should go to the hospital or a doctor or a…
Why Do My Feet Hurt In The Morning?
If you’ve been waking up with sore feet, heels or arches in the morning, this is for you. There’s a very specific kind of heel pain with the following three…
Medical Pedicure: The Safe, Feel-Good Foot Care Mums Love This Mother’s Day
Looking for a unique Mother’s Day gift in Auckland that your mum will truly appreciate? Our medical pedicures take care of mums feet – from her toenails to her corns…
preventing re-injury podiatrist
The Top Four Pains In Runners – And How To Treat Them
We ask a lot of our bodies when we run. The force through our joints and our legs easily exceeds three times our body weight – so it’s not all…
Fixing Curly Toes: Hammertoes, Claw Toes & Mallet Toes
So you’ve developed a hammertoe – or maybe you’ve noticed that your child’s toes are starting to curl. So what can you do about it? Should you do anything about…
Why Won’t My Achilles Tendon Stop Hurting?
A one-off pain at the back of your heel at your Achilles tendon that starts but then shortly subsides for good is one thing. Ongoing Achilles pains and problems that…
Helping Auckland Families With Growing Pains
Growing pains are one of the most common pains that we see and treat in kids. While some mistake growing pains for when active kids overuse the muscles of the…
Our Patients: From Ballet Dancers To Soccer Stars
Recently, we shared all about the big range of problems that our podiatry team here at Perform Podiatry can help you with. From in-toeing to foot drop, to managing falls…