What Does It Mean If I Have A Knot In My Muscle?
We all know the feeling of having a knot somewhere in our muscles, whether that’s in our calves, legs or elsewhere in our body. It’s that tender spot that you…
What Can I Do To Improve My Bone Health?
Learning that you have fragile bones can be concerning, and for many, leave them with a lot of questions: Why have I got fragile bones? What does having fragile bones…
Jolly Jumpers: Are They Good Or Bad?
If you have ever seen a child on a Jolly Jumper (also known as baby bouncers or jumperoos), you might know the look of delight on their face whilst they…
Seven Signs Your Child’s Feet & Legs Should Be Checked By A Podiatrist
As parents, it’s only natural to be concerned about our children, want them to grow healthy and strong, and want to promptly address any health issues so they can go…
Why Do I Have Noticeable, Dark Veins On My Legs?
Noticing bluish veins growing darker and more prominent in your legs is a cause of concern for many. But what do they mean, why is this happening now, and what…
Returning To Exercise After A Break? Here’s How To Do It Safely
Whether it’s a planned holiday or an unexpected period of sickness for yourself or someone in your household, getting back to exercise or rejoining your friends at the gym is…
Sports Orthotics: Can They Help Treat And Prevent Injuries?
When you hear about your friend’s orthotics from the pharmacy helping cushion their feet, your colleague’s new pair of shoes coming with in-built orthotics for support, or your young niece’s…
Children’s Feet FAQ’s | Ask Your Podiatrist
When it comes to children’s feet, it can be hard to know if what we’re seeing is normal, or if there’s cause for concern. As podiatrists that work extensively with…
Causes Of Foot Pain At Work
When you’re busy at work with a seemingly never-ending task list, foot pain slowing you down and holding you back is the last thing you need. Foot pain can have…
How To Get A Splinter Out Of Your Foot The Right Way
So you’ve got a splinter stuck in your foot and despite trying with tweezers or other home first aid tactics, you can’t get it out. So, what can you do?…