Haglund’s Deformity: The Bump at the Back of Your Heel
If you’ve noticed a bump at the back of your heel, then you may have a bony enlargement called a Haglund’s Deformity. As we’ve been seeing quite a few patients…
Which sports are best for your child’s development?
Getting involved in sports from an early age has a myriad of benefits. It gets kids active, builds on their teamwork skills, forms new friendships and is great for their…
Toes Separating like a ‘V’? It’s a Sign of a Plantar Plate Tear
Have you noticed that two of your toes have come out of line? Perhaps where they used to line up normally alongside one another, they’re now moving apart from one…
Why Are My Kids Walking with Knees Knocking?
We love seeing kids here at Perform Podiatry. Partly because it’s hard to be away from our own and they brighten up our day, but largely because of the massive…
A slight difference in leg length – does it really matter?
A lot of us have heard that it’s not uncommon to have a slight difference in the size of our feet or even legs. We often advise patients to buy…
Say goodbye to discoloured fungal toenails!
  It’s been a fantastic, hot summer here in New Zealand, with lots of time wearing sandals, at the beach and feeling that soft, green grass beneath of our feet.…
Arthritis: How we can improve your comfort and relive your pain
Arthritis – it can be painful, frustrating and limiting for many New Zealanders. In fact, almost 50% of those aged over 60 years, and almost all over 80 years old,…
Occupational Podiatry – Helping You at Work
We spend a third of our life at work, with many of us on our feet all day, so it makes sense that the workplace can be a great source…
Losing Weight & Your Feet!
It’s 2018, and for many of us, one of our resolutions is to finally lose that extra bit of weight. If this sounds like you, don’t worry – you’re not…
Why Do I Have Heel Pain, Again?
You’ve had heel pain before and were ecstatic when it finally went away. Weeks, or even months, of taking it easy, wearing the right shoes and orthotics, doing the right…